Battery safety: Expertise for the safe integration of batteries

Comprehensive expertise

Our research on innovative safety concepts and the analysis of failure processes enables the transformation of the transport sector to e-mobility.

The interplay of experiment and simulation allows your battery system to be efficiently understood, optimized and further developed.

Fraunhofer EMI contributes its comprehensive expertise in the application fields of automotive, aviation, stationary storage and defense.

Safe system integration

The safe integration of batteries plays a key role in the development of battery-powered cars, aircraft and energy storage systems. The focus is on safe housings, efficient cooling systems and intelligent control software.

We would be happy to support the safe integration of your battery system. This could either base on a research contract, a publicly funded project or a joint doctorate.

Comprehensive tests for detailed system understanding

Fraunhofer EMI offers analysis, evaluation and optimization of safety at the cell, module and system level. A special research facility has been set up for electric cars. Within this facility complete vehicle batteries can be tested under abuse conditions. The battery test center cooperates with numerous leading companies and brands.

Mechanical cell characterization

Test of all common designs (prismatic, cylindrical, pouch) against intrusion with different stamp geometries. Determination of critical forces and intrusions leading to internal short circuit. In addition, even at high test speeds with high precisely limited intrusion depths, even on charged cells.

In-situ X-ray video

Using in-house developed high-speed X-ray technology, the cell-internal dynamic during thermal runaway can be recorded. Until now, these processes have remained hidden. Thanks to X-ray technology, manufacturers can now develop cells and batteries with greater safety.

Propagation tests

The institute carries out propagation tests on battery modules and systems in a fire and explosion-proofed bunker. For example, the resistance of new housing concepts to internal battery fires and the effectiveness of propagation mitigation strategies can be evaluated.

Crash tests of modules and HV storage systems

The institute has a battery crash accelerator to evaluate the crash safety of charged modules and HV storage systems. In conjunction with simulations, battery systems can be comprehensively described and researched.

Simulation and virtual prototypes

Realistic simulation models are developed in close cooperation with tests in the battery test center, which optimize battery systems more efficiently and cost-effectively than pure experiments.

Evaluation of mechanical deformations

Detailed structural-mechanical models realistically depict mechanical deformations of batteries as they occur in crashes. This ranges from individual cells to battery modules and housings.

Flow simulations for thermal runaway

Flow simulations enable the simulation of gas propagation and chemical reactions during thermal runaway. The basis for this is careful testing and knowledge of the existing cell chemistry. Well-founded modeling of thermal runaway also includes consideration of the released particles, as these transport a considerable proportion of the heat.

Impact of thermal runaway

To contain thermal runaway, it is important that adjacent components maintain their structural integrity. A comprehensive assessment of safety therefore requires not only the simulation of the fire, but also a sound modeling of the thermomechanical material behavior of the surrounding structures.

Application fields


Crash safety of electric vehicles,
Design of batteries against thermal runaway


Risk of mobile phones, laptops and tablets in the aircraft cabin, drone impact on aircraft structures

Stationary storage systems

Safety concepts for home storage systems,
Effectiveness of fire protection measures


Safe use of lithium-ion batteries in the German Armed Forces, technical defense loads (e.g. shelling)

E-Bike, e-Scooter

Investigation of battery fires

Special applications

Transfer of existing know-how to any application and installation situation

Contact Battery Safety

Sebastian Schopferer

Contact Press / Media

Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Schopferer

Head of experiment

Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMI
Am Klingelberg 1
79588 Efringen-Kirchen, Germany

Phone +49 7628 9050-759

Benjamin Schaufelberger

Contact Press / Media

M. Sc. Benjamin Schaufelberger

Head of simulation

Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMI
Ernst-Zermelo-Straße 4
79104 Freiburg, Germany

Phone +49 761 2714-335