Conference / June 29, 2026 - July 03, 2026
Review of the ICILSM 2024 and coming up ICILSM 2026
The Fraunhofer EMI hosted the International Conference on Impact Loading of Structures and Materials (ICILSM) on 13-17 May 2024 in Freiburg, Germany. The conference was the fourth in a series of international conferences organized by the International Society of Impact Engineering.
The list of topic included but were not limited to:
- Failure of structures under impact and blast loadings
- Systems for protection against impact and blast loadings
- Terminal ballistics and impact physics
- Hypervelocity impact research
- Dynamic behavior of materials, including failure and fracture
- Structural crashworthiness
- High-rate mechanical and forming processes
- Measurement techniques for impact, blast and high-rate loading
- Simulation methods for impact, blast and high-rate loading
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Daniel Eakins – University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Prof. Genevieve Langdon – University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Prof. Fabian Duddeck – Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany
LtCol IMM Frederik Coghe – Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium
Prof. Pascal Forquin – Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France