Research for a safe future

  • Applications in the fields of defense, security and resilience, automotive, space and aviation
  • 395 employees at three locations



The Ernst Mach institute researches fast-moving processes in experiments and simulations. The focus of the research is on increasing safety and resilience.



In particular, processes that occur in fractions of a second, such as car crashes, battery explosions or collisions in space, are being researched. Based on this, the institute develops safety concepts.



Hannover Messe 2025

The Fraunhofer EMI presents innovative peeling-based recycling processes for continuous fiber reinforced plastics


Press Release

Students on the tracks of Formula 1

Fraunhofer EMI used a 3D printer to produce a miniature racing car, which was designed by students from Freiburg's Friedrich-Gymnasium.



crashMAT 2025

crashMAT on April 2 and 3, 2025 will focus on material and structural behavior during crashes.


Press Release

Research Satellite ERNST: Successful Lauch into Orbit

The satellite’s commissioning phase have been completed with all functions and subsystems verified


Press Release

Small satellites: Powerful data management in orbit

The Sky-Bee-1 earth observation satellite uses the latest data processing unit from Fraunhofer EMI. 


Press Release

Simulation Software Boosts Climate Resilience in Buildings

Fraunhofer EMI is developing software to assess the impact of extreme weather events. 


Annual Report 2023/24

The EMI Annual Report 2023/2024 provides an overview of successfully completed research projects, new research fields and a review of a successful year.

Business units



Fraunhofer EMI analyzes modern concepts of protection and new materials for high-dynamic loading and develops sensor technology for ballistic application.


Security and Resilience

We research and develop technologies, methods and ideas to make our society and its infrastructures robust, error-tolerant and resilient towards hazardous events.



Crashworthiness of vehicle structures and components as well as the challenges concerning electromobility and automated driving form the center of research of the business unit Automotive.



Meteorites and space debris threaten spacecraft and satellites. At Fraunhofer EMI, we investigate hypervelocity impacts in order to improve the security of space systems.



Aviation materials have to be light, loadable and reliable. We test structures, components and joints and optimize lightweight structures.

Focus topics

Fraunhofer EMI has updated its institute strategy for the period 2023 to 2027. Six focus topics were defined in a joint strategy process. These topics are particularly promoted by the institute.


Battery safety

Fraunhofer EMI offers analysis and optimization of safety at the cell, module and overall system levels.


Laser-matter interaction

The institute operates laboratories that scientifically analyze the effects of intense laser radiation.


Highly-dynamic X-ray

The innovative research concept of X-ray simulation, X-ray experiment and analysis provides unique data and views with up to 1000 images per second.


Resilience engineering

Fraunhofer EMI analyzes socio-technical systems using numerous modeling approaches. They are then implemented in software applications..


Satellite-based data analysis

Research and technology development for the acquisition and real-time processing of earth observation data on satellites.


Realistic traffic predictions

Agent-based, detailed simulations of realistic and critical traffic scenarios.



Research examples


Sustainability Center (LZN)

The Fraunhofer EMI is the spokesperson institute of the LZN.




Ernst-Zermelo-Strasse 4

79104 Freiburg, Germany

Phone +49 761 2714-0 



Am Klingelberg 1

79588 Efringen-Kirchen, Germany

Phone +49 7628 9050-0



Am Christianswuhr 2

79400 Kandern, Germany

Phone +49 7626 9157-0