LSQRA – Laser Safety Quantitative Risk Analysis

High-power lasers are characterized by their capability to direct energy at an object over long distances with high precision and have rendered possible a broad range of material processing applications such as e.g. welding and cutting. Currently, high-power lasers are gaining importance in defense applications as well. For several years, high-power lasers have been used by armed forces of several nations for the neutralization of explosive devices at a safe distance without the need for individuals to be in the immediate vicinity of the explosive device. National studies also consider high-power lasers for the defense against drones (UAVs, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles).
For an application of high-power lasers in such scenarios, it is necessary to analyze in detail the laser propagation and to identify potential threats by laser radiation. For this purpose, Fraunhofer EMI develops the safety analysis tool LSQRA (Laser Safety Quantitative Risk Analysis) for 3D-visualization of simulated operational scenarios with laser effectors.
In addition, Fraunhofer EMI’s high-energy laser lab offers the possibility to develop physical models for the melting and reflection behavior of samples during the interaction with laser radiation. For a detailed analysis of the propagation of the laser radiation, specific aerosol models for the calculation of absorption and scattering in the atmosphere and the influence of atmospheric turbulences can be taken into account. For the analysis of these influencing factors, a close exchange is taking place among national research institutes and working groups.